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Year Published: 2021

Time to Complete: 30 minutes

Course Type: Self-paced Online

Instructor: Multiple

Learning Level: Skilled

Primary Audience: All Research Team Members

Prerequisite: None

Course Collection(s): Research Design and Data Analysis; Regulatory and Research Ethics

Are you planning to conduct a retrospective chart review to answer a research question?

Do you know what types of resources Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) can provide to support you? Research using retrospective medical record review is common, yet many faculty, students, clinicians, and research staff may be unfamiliar with important aspects of these methods. Led by CTSI and Institutional Review Board (IRB) staff, this course covers some of the best practices you should know before conducting retrospective chart review research and the CTSI and IRB resources available to help. Learn how to get started on your own retrospective chart review from staff at the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) center, informatics team, and IRB office. This course is designed for anyone whose primary job function may not be in research, but would like an orientation to the study design, statistical analysis, and research conduct issues that are relevant to chart review studies. This module will consist of presentations by content experts and an overview of resources you can access.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe best practices of conducting a retrospective chart review study.
  • Identify Tufts CTSI resources for developing power calculations, making a statistical plan, and setting up a REDCap database.
  • Describe the best way to access EMR data and when to put in a request with CTSI Informatics.
  • Describe the types of IRB review needed for a retrospective chart review study.
  • Explain IRB submission best practices as they relate to chart review studies.

Available courses

Date Location Type Price
2025 Course: Open January 1 through December 31 Online Self-paced course This Course is Free