Year Published: 2018

Time to Complete: 70 min

Course Type: Self-paced Online

Instructor: Carolyn Rubin, EdD

Learning Level: Fundamental

Primary Audience: Researchers

Prerequisite: None


Looking for effective models of academic-community partnerships in translational research?

Interested in identifying potential stakeholders in local communities? What are some effective models of academic-community partnerships in translational research?

This course entitled, Engaging Stakeholders in Community-Based Participatory Research, is led by Carolyn Rubin, EdD, MA, Tufts CTSI’s Director of Addressing Disparities in Asian Populations through Translational Research (ADAPT). Learn about what community-based participatory research (CBPR) is, why you might pursue it, and how researchers and communities can collaborate to identify and address community priorities in translational science.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the definition and benefits of CBPR
  • Identify strategies for building authentic, long-term partnerships
  • Reflect on your (or your institution’s) relationships with local communities and potential next steps toward CBPR

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