white Tufts Medicine text above Tufts Medical Center text on a blue background

Year Published: 2022

Time to Complete: 60 minutes

Instructors: Multiple

Learning Level: Fundamental

Primary Audience: Tufts Medical Center Research Staff

Prerequisite: None

Course Collection(s): Clinical Research Operations


Welcome to Tufts Medical Center!

This course will help set you up for success at Tufts Medical Center by providing essential onboarding information to both new and experienced research staff. You will learn about the research structure for our organization as well as contact points, policies, and procedures for a clinical research study. Commonly referenced documents and instructions will be presented in a convenient, central location. By the end of this course, you will have the necessary skills, knowledge and behaviors to conduct effective clinical research at Tufts Medical Center.

This course will continue to be updated with new modules, tools, and resources. Learners will be notified when additional content is added to the course.

Dates: Wednesday December 9th 12pm-1:00pm  
Location: Zoom  

Available courses

Date Location Type Price
2025: Open January 1 through December 31 Online Self-paced course This Course is Free