Year Published: 2019

Time to Complete: 55 min

Course Type: Self-paced Online

Instructor: Jenna Reps, PhD

Learning Level: Fundamental

Primary Audience: Investigators (PI, Co-PI, Co-I), Data Managers

Prerequisite: None

Course Collection(s): Data Science and Informatics


How can OHDSI analytic tool sets be used in developing patient-level prediction models?

This recorded lecture was presented as part of The Odyssey of OHDSI: Using Health Care Data for Research. You will be introduced to using one of the most mature OHDSI analytic tool sets in developing patient-level prediction models.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe the patient-level prediction model process
    Describe the patient-level prediction model process.
  • Develop models using the OHDSI Patient-Level Prediction framework.
  • Identify key elements to develop and validate prediction models using the OHDSI tools.

Available courses

Date Location Type Price
2024 Course: Open January 1 through December 31 Online Self-paced course This Course is Free