Date: Friday, May 7 2021
Tufts Medicine on blue background

Date Recorded: Thursday, May 16, 2024

Length: 45 minutes

Course Type: Archived event

Instructors: Multiple

Learning Level: Fundamental

Primary Audience: All research team members

Prerequisite: None

Course Collection(s): Clinical Research Operations, Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Recruitment and Retention

Hear directly from past and present research participants about their experiences in clinical research trials!

In this recording from the May 16th Clinical Research Staff Quarterly Training, learn from the lived experiences of past and current research participants in a panel discussion format. Panelists talked about their experiences as research participants, with a focus on actionable methods that research staff can use to better engage with current and future participants. Topics covered included:

  • Motivations for participating in clinical research.
  • Good/bad experiences being recruited for clinical research.
  • Best practices for communicating with research participants.
  • Working with research participants from diverse racial/ethnic/socio-cultural backgrounds.

This is a recorded session the from May 16, 2024 live event.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe different factors that can impact research participants’ decisions on whether to participate in research.
  • List at least two ideas for improving your recruitment and retention strategies.

Available courses

Date Location Type Price
2024 Course: Open January 1 through December 31 Online Archived Event This Course is Free