Year Published: 2013

Time to Complete: 50 min

Instructor: Thomas I. Mackie, PhD, MPH, MA

Course Type: Self-paced Online

Learning Level: Fundamental

Primary Audience: Researchers

Prerequisite: Mixed Methods in Health Services Research

Skills Domain: Scientific Concepts and Research Design

Want to know how to integrate quantitative and qualitative methods into your research?

This course, a part of our Mixed Methods series, will feature Thomas I. Mackie, PhD, MPH, MA, and his discussion on study design considerations for using mixed methods in clinical and health services research.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe how a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods can contribute to answering research questions
  • Identify ways to combine quantitative and qualitative data to address research questions using a case-based example
  • Describe the benefits and challenges of using mixed methods

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